Biomechanical ToolKit: Open-source Framework To visualize and process biomechanical data

C3D file format is widely used in the biomechanical field by companies and laboratories to store motion capture systems data. However, few software packages can visualize and modify the integrality of the data in the C3D file. Our objective was to develop an open-source and multi-platform framework to read, write, modify and visualize data from any motion analysis systems using standard (C3D) and proprietary file formats (used by many companies producing motion capture systems). The Biomechanical ToolKit (BTK) was developed to provide cost-effective and efficient tools for the biomechanical community to easily deal with motion analysis data. A large panel of operations is available to read, modify and process data through C++ API, bindings for high-level languages (Matlab, Octave, and Python), and standalone application (Mokka). All these tools are open-source and cross-platform and run on all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS X).

Biomechanical ToolKit: Open-source Framework To visualize and process biomechanical data. Available from: [accessed Mar 27, 2015].

Les derniers articles par Fabrice MEGROT, PhD HDR (tout voir)

Au sujet de l'auteur

Docteur en sciences (PhD. HdR), spécialiste en contrôle moteur, biomécanique et physiologie du mouvement. 16 années comme responsable de l'Unité Clinique d'Analyse de la Marche et du Mouvement au Centre de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation pour Enfants de Bois-Larris (Croix-rouge française). Enseignant au DIU d'Analyse du mouvement.